It is staggering how we can be so blind to our behaviour, blind to our own failings. The vast majority of Australians would say ‘yes’ when asked if their behaviour is moral. But like me, no one is perfect. So we need to grasp that all of us are moral failures, all are sinful. And we are largely unaware of our own sinful failings. Yet, in Australia there is an epidemic of domestic violence, as well as physical, emotional and sexual abuse. However, thankfully, everyone knows that they are not perfect. So the result is that we all face God’s anger and his righteous judgement. The mercy and grace of Jesus Christ means that those who love and follow him, confessing their sins, are declared perfect, made perfect, only because of what Jesus has done already. It is not because of all the good that we may have done. Doing good is simply not good enough. Listen to what Adam encourages for us. Turn to Jesus.