The Christian religion was birthed in the middle east, as the fulfilment of the Jewish prophets and predictions, but it has reached to the ends of the earth, even to here in Australia. We have been given the ‘great commission’ – as it’s called in Matthew 28 “…go and make disciples of all nations…” (verse 19). The God of the bible is the God of the whole world (Genesis 1). This great commission makes it clear that we should be “teaching people to obey everything I have commanded” Matthew 28:20. But where does the cross fit in, and what is the outworking of grace? What we need first and foremost is to see and realise, that God is king over all. And secondary to that, is the reality that even when we are trying and striving, we do fail to live like that, and that is how the cross and grace comes in to cover those failures in us. So are we all supposed to be proclaimers of the gospel, to be evangelists for God? Not necessarily. Some of us are built to proclaim, some to be financial supporters, some as effective administrators, and others in some other way. But we are all called to promote the gospel by how we live.