Why should we read through and try to make sense of the scriptures? Why do some people critique and then find themselves challenged by them? Will reading the scriptures coerce us to correct our own beliefs and behaviours? We need to ask ourselves “do we want to align ourselves with Jesus”? Do you think that perhaps your life needs to have some change, to learn not just from your mistakes, and then to make improvements, which could result in a much better life that is more satisfying, and a better support to those we love. Actually, a positive change in our lives often reaps significant advantages. The tricky bit is that we first need to have the desire to change.
This is the first in a new series on the Bible book of the letter to the Hebrews. The writer of Hebrews is passionately trying to say to the Jewish Christians of his time “don’t give up on Jesus, no matter what“. The facts are that Jesus is the real McCoy, the genuine article, the promised Messiah. But unfortunately, lots of people get Jesus’ identity wrong, and to get that wrong is the biggest blunder in life. Many people think that Jesus was just a good teacher, or a failed revolutionary, or maybe a prophet. But all of those are nowhere near what the New Testament records tell us about Jesus. Those assessments completely underestimate who Jesus really is. So, how about you watch this video. You can also follow the series on Hebrews over the coming weeks so as to help you to learn who this wonderfully amazing person Jesus is. God has spoken definitely, clearly and finally in the person and teaching of Jesus. Jesus is not just a good teacher or a prophet, but he said and demonstrated that he is the divine Son of God.