This sermon:

Is Anyone Beyond God’s Reach?

Can we be so bad that God cannot reach us and make us good? the Egyptian pharaoh in the Bible book of Exodus was like that. He stubbornly refused to acknowledge God. God doesn’t want puppets, but he gives us a choice. Joshua reminds us Choose you this day who you will serve… but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:14-15). God decided not to leave pharaoh alone, and this long story is told through many chapters from Exodus 4:19. Pharaoh certainly learned the harsh hand of God, because he refused to acknowledge him. Jeff met a man recently who felt that he was beyond God’s acceptance, and his story is included in this video. He was sentenced to 18 years and 8 months jail, but he now knows God and speaks openly about his experience – God reached out to him.