This sermon:

It’s Happened

Which bits of the Old Testament (OT) do we need to obey when the ultimate sacrifice has been completed by Jesus on the cross? Those OT sacrifices are no longer required, but it is still impossible for anyone to keep God’s laws, no matter how hard we try. The Pharisees of Jesus day tried really hard, but were still nowhere near what God requires. God expects that we will sin so he sent Jesus as our substitute, to take our well deserved punishment. In Matthew 5:17, Jesus tells us that he has not come to abolish the law. Hebrews 10:1 reminds us that “the law is only a shadow of good things to come…”. While Mark 7:15 tells us that “it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.” Read these chapters in the Bible and listen to how Adam helps us to understand God and what he expects of us.