This sermon:

O Death Where is Your Sting

There is one thing we are all certain of. We will all die one day, maybe in years to come, or maybe only hours from now. Should we be concerned about this? I am not concerned because that is Jesus’ problem and not mine. Jesus has that matter well in hand for me, because I have handed my life over to him. Phil tells the story of 1 Corinthians 15 in this video, in a way that can help us understand what God is saying here in this passage. What is really important for us to understand! So, if we have turned our lives over to Jesus, then what happens when we die? Christians will be with Jesus, but how do we get there? What does the Bible tell us in this matter? We don’t have specific details, but by continually searching the scriptures God does reveal more of what we need to know to live now, and for eternity.