This sermon:

Obeying Jesus With Our Money

The Old Testament was all about this life and how to live well now, and there are very few mentions in the Old Testament that refer to the afterlife, only four. And so Jesus radically shifted that perspective. It was always there, but it exploded and became the focus. Jesus encouraged his followers to live now in the light of the world to come, because this is when life really starts – in the world to come. We are coming into an inheritance that is enormous, beyond any imaginings of how good it will be. So, how good is your charitable giving now, not church giving, but giving for those in need. As followers of Jesus, we want to do all the commands of God. We want to strive to do them, but we have areas of personal weakness. We want to strive to do it but we just keep failing. Though we struggle with various issues, we walk in grace, but as we hear the commands of God, then if we really belong, then we will resolve to obey. But if we ignore God’s word to us, he will ultimately ignore us.