This sermon:

The Ideal and the Reality

Thinking about marriage – sometimes marriage doesn’t go well, and is usually far from the ideal. This is when it is wise to understand what the Bible teaches us, from both the Old Testament foundation and the explicit teaching of Jesus. And where does sex fit in? Some think that sex is unspiritual and doesn’t even belong in marriage, but this would be denying natural God given desires, but it is popular in many religions. However, that is completely foreign to Biblical thought. Reflect on what Jesus gave us the image of heaven – a wedding banquet; delicious food and good wine, a party with family and friends. Yet, in a world like 1st Century Corinth sexuality was rampant – does this look familiar when looking at today’s world? So where does sex fit with God? And what does this mean if a marriage has unreasonable demands or abuse? Think and pray to God for guidance as you listen to Adam.