No doubt you have heard of continental drift. That’s how mountain ranges are formed; these giant plates crashing together at 1-2 cm per year. A very slow but powerful and real drift. And in many ways it’s not too dissimilar to Christian drift. You don’t feel it happening, you don’t see it happening, until it’s too late and you’ve lost connection. It takes people away from Jesus. The letter to the Hebrews flags that potential. We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away (Hebrews 2:1). Many people have it all, by the world’s standards, and yet they are still unsatisfied. Meaning and satisfaction are very allusive realities to them. Hebrews chapter 2 is all about what your and my purpose in life is. What we were destined for. What we were created for. And when grasped then it will transform lives. And if we really grab hold of it, it changes our life. And the key to fulfilling that destiny, no surprise, is Jesus. What Hebrews is telling us is that our destiny is to rule with Christ. We may at times feel very unimpressive and very inadequate, but it is clear that this is our destiny, in Christ. This is glory and honour, we don’t deserve it, but this is our destiny for those who accept Jesus and have a personal relationship with him.
We look for security in somewhere where we feel safe. Somewhere where we can gain significance. And our security can be in relationships – I’m ok when someone loves me. We seek security through our career, our musical ability, our sporting prowess, our attractiveness, or some other tangible form. We’ve never been richer materially, but also never more unhappy. We are at the mercy of those fickle, transient things, because as a society we’ve forgotten or rejected our destiny, our purpose in Christ, which is to rule with him. The fulfilment of Psalm 8 is that we are co-heirs with Christ. To rule with him. Our destiny is peace with God, and ruling with Christ. That is where we get our significance from. Not from what job we have, not from how much we earn, or how good we look, or anything else that this world loves. And if we grasp that, and live with that, it means that we can do any job. Any job that serves people no matter how menial, without having a crisis about our personal value. It means we can be in any situation and have a sense of deep personal worth. “I will rule with Christ”, because our career doesn’t define us, our relationships or lack of them don’t define us. But our relationship with God does. And the only way that we can realise this in our lives is to fix our eyes on Jesus. To help each other, fix our eyes on Jesus. To remember who we are in him. Because when we stop focusing on Jesus, we are at the mercy of this world.